Dr. Karen K. Tiwana: Pittsboro’s Leading Implant Restoration Dentist

Dental implants are a new alternative in tooth replacement. The procedure consists of two stages: placement of a replacement tooth root, followed by placement of a tooth replacement (crown) all within our Pittsboro dental office.

There are now a wide variety of dental implant placement procedures that vary in duration and materials. Any implant procedure is preceded by a detailed consultation and case planning with your restorative dentist.

Karen K. Tiwana, DDS, is an expert in creating dental implant restorations that look and feel like your natural teeth.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Contact our Pittsboro dentist, Karen K. Tiwana, DDS, for more information about our dental implant restorative services. Click here to request an appointment or call our office at (919) 542-4911 today.